Association database


You will find the Bilodeau genealogy by clicking on the followin logo :




The material presented or distributed on this site is protected by copyright law and remains the intellectual property of the Association des Bilodeau or its author. You are authorized to use it exclusively for your personal, non-commercial use. People’s privacy is protected in Quebec for 30 years after death and 100 years after birth. One should not inquire into someone’s private life without their permission.

Attention… The data entered on this database are not all verified. We advise you to sheck yourself, before certifying this data.

Whether you need help finding your branch, notifiying us of changes to be made and/or additions to the database, you can send an email to the address below:

If you prefer to send us your genealogical information, you can use these forms.

You can download them, complete them electronically and print them.

It is possible to send them to us by the email indicated above.

Downloadable PDF documents, you just have to click on the one corresponding your choice :

Genealogy informations form

Formulaire de renseignements généalogiques


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