The president’s message


Something new with the arrival of spring

Spring has now arrived with this wind of freshness and renewal, the return of buds, greenery and flowers, etc. I would like to take this opportunity to wish you a HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY.

On March 16, our association held its spring sugar shack dinner activity at the Prince maple grove in St-Wenceslas. Always a very pleasant meeting. Thank you to all the participants and board members who participated in the organization of this activity.

The Généa-Jeunesse & Famille competition becomes a GENEALOGY AND HISTORY COMPETITION, open to all! Take advantage of this time to write your family history. Who are your ancestors and those who follow you? Attractive prizes are offered to the winners. Tell us about your research on your family, embellish it with stories and anecdotes.


Flags with the Coat of Arms of the Association, measuring 24 x 36 inches, are very popular. We have placed a second order, they are available for $55 plus postage. They can be installed on your property and promote our association.



SATURDAY AUGUST 17, 2024: an important date is the holding of the annual Bilodeau Family Congress at the St-Pierre Community Center in Drummondville. A visit is planned in the program. We will take advantage of this activity to highlight the contribution of the Bilodeaus who have distinguished themselves during their careers: the nomination of Bilodeau of the year and a personality in the Cercle des Grands Bilodeau. Save the date of August 17, 2024 in your calendar for the Bilodeau Congress.

You are invited to visit our website and our Facebook page, new information is added regularly.

I would like to remind you that for the proper functioning of any organization, recruiting members and renewing its board of directors requires the involvement of dedicated people. Renewal and recruitment are the basis of our organization. I invite you to inform your family members of the many services that the Association can offer, publications, genealogies, meetings, family histories and promotional articles, etc.

The members of the Board of Directors have made it a priority to produce and offer you these services in order to maintain ties with you, dear members of the Association des Bilodeau. “For the pleasure of meeting and talking.”


Gilles Bilodeau, President                                                                                                                  Branch II, Jean to Jean
Courriel :


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